
Amy - 2005-02-02 13:44:35
5. Faith hill Breathe 8. switchfoot- dare you to move You know, I have a switchfoot cd from like 4 years ago and it had all of these songs on them. Now they redid them and released them on mainstream radio and it's sucks! I mean the songs aren't bad it's just weird because I'm used to it the old way. *Sigh* sorry I had to get that rant out!
Elizabeth - 2005-02-02 13:51:50
1. System of a Down- "Needles"
3. Melissa Ethridge- "Heal Me"
7. Outkast-"Spread"

oomm - 2005-02-02 14:04:06
very nice!
Elizabeth - 2005-02-02 15:01:08
I just read Amy's comment. Seriously! I'm the same way. I get all pissed off when some band I've been listening to for years gets popular and everyone keeps talking about this great "New" band. Then I try to be happy for them and end up never listening to their CDs again. I'm a bad fan.
oomm - 2005-02-02 15:05:05
I'm telling Brooks on you.
Elizabeth - 2005-02-02 15:32:23
Doesn't count for his band. Or Bowling for soup. Because I can be like dude I met them and feel popular.
Elizabeth - 2005-02-02 15:33:41
Besides Rodney Parker is awesome music. Way better then the shitty little bands I was talking about before. I just loved them because no one knew who they were.
oomm - 2005-02-02 15:44:50
no, I know what you mean. LIke An Angel is infinately better than Rio or Hungry Like the Wolf. Popularity breeds muck. I must be hella popular.
Splinky - 2005-03-08 17:11:04
#9 Bedroom Toys by Duran Duran

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