
Crate Obscure - 2006-05-08 13:54:22
What is YoBling? It sounds awful, whatever it is.
oomm - 2006-05-08 14:44:35
YoBling is what you call the "ship" between the characters Catherine and Warrick on CSI,much like the Grissom and Sara relationship is called GSR
Crate Obscure - 2006-05-08 15:00:25
Hmm... Well, I can see where GSR comes from, but shouldn't it be something like CWR instead of YoBling? Not that it really matters to me... It's just, come on! YoBling? It sounds like a horrible hip-hop fashion trend.
oomm - 2006-05-08 15:45:58
It's from something Warrick says all the time "Yo" and Cath had a whole "Bling" thing awhile back. It actually makes sense if you watch the show.
Crate Obscure - 2006-05-08 15:53:02
So, now I have to watch the show to understand it, huh? Well, isn't that convenient!

ps... how's the ankle?
E-Beth - 2006-05-08 16:20:26
I have a feeling I'm going to cry at tomorrows episode. Are you trying to con Crate into watching CSI? Get him hooked on NCIS first.
oomm - 2006-05-08 16:37:34
I was just bitching to E-beth in email about the ankle. The swelling is going down some finally. My arm pits will be really happy to see the end of crutches. No, E-Beth I am NOT trying to con him into watching, I can't even believe I'M still watching. CSI sucks. I don't watch NCIS on tuesday night, I tape it and watch it wed. but I don't know if I'm going to be able to make myself wait. I'm out of my mind about this. At least we'll get lots of good flashback stuff about his family.
E-Beth - 2006-05-08 17:41:34
Yes I'm interested to find out more about his past. Just hopefully without the flashbacks to gross Lauren Holly lovin.

P.S. I am sorry about your ankle. I just now decided to check my e-mail and saw that. I'm making you a cupcake with sprinkles to make it feel all better.
oomm - 2006-05-08 17:54:46
I bet you're gonna eat that cupcake with sprinkles to stop me from getting any fatter too. You're such a good friend.
Lilo - 2006-05-08 22:14:15
I hope your ankle feels better, your armpits hurt less, CSI gets better, and there are no Lauren Holly flashbacks this week. *hug*
oomm - 2006-05-09 10:25:03
Oh Lilo, you're so good to me!!

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